Monday, August 22, 2011

Hudson River Cake!

Soo excited about my first post!! I've always been apprehensive about blogging, just cus I thought it was too time consuming! and time is something I treasure! But I HAVE to share all this beautiful deliciousness with the world! This Gorgeous cake took about 2 weeks of hard work to complete. It was made for a celebrity client, she is an actress I cant divulge who due to yucky confidentiality reasons! I will give a hint though....she once dated Alex Rodriguez (that narrows it down to about 20 actresses).
Nyways the cake was made as a surprise for a friend of hers and cost about $7000! whew! would  love if a friend dropped 7000 grand on me!! I think 7000 is a bit ridiculous but hey! its New York, what can we say?
Leave comments and questions! would love to know what you think.